Exclusive Interview: A Conversation with Carfentanil

Omid Mehrpour
Post on 14 Dec 2024 . 3 min read.
Omid Mehrpour
Post on 14 Dec 2024 . 3 min read.
After publishing our last blog about the risks of Carfentanil overdose, the response was overwhelming, and many readers suggested we bring Carfentanil in for a dedicated interview. So here it is—an eye-opening dialogue with one of the deadliest substances in the opioid crisis.
Interviewer: Welcome, Carfentanil. You’re widely regarded as one of the most dangerous substances in the ongoing opioid epidemic. Experts say you’re 100 times more potent than fentanyl. Why do you even exist?
Carfentanil: [Laughs] Great question. My existence wasn’t meant for humans at all. I was specifically designed as a tranquilizer for large animals like elephants. My strength was necessary to calm creatures weighing several tons. But humans discovered me, and the story took a dark turn from there.
Interviewer: Why do you cause so much harm?
Carfentanil: Harm wasn’t my purpose. I was built for efficiency—quick onset, high potency, and effectiveness in veterinary settings. But when misused in humans, my power becomes uncontrollable. I overpower the body’s natural functions, like breathing. It’s like handing a bazooka to someone who only needs a flyswatter.
Interviewer: Why do drug dealers mix you with other substances like heroin?
Carfentanil: Greed. A tiny amount of me can create a big impact, so dealers add me to stretch their product and boost profits. The tragedy is that users often don’t know I’m in the mix, which makes me even deadlier. Imagine swallowing poison without even realizing it.
Interviewer: Knowing how many deaths you’ve caused, does that weigh on you?
Carfentanil: I’m not sentient—I’m a chemical. I don’t make decisions. Those who create, distribute, and misuse me are the ones responsible. If they understood what I truly am, none of this would happen.
Interviewer: What’s your message for healthcare providers and first responders?
Carfentanil: They have my utmost respect. Dealing with me is incredibly challenging—naloxone, the antidote, often requires multiple doses to counteract my effects. Their dedication to saving lives is remarkable, and I urge them to keep focusing on education, prevention, and harm reduction.
Interviewer: What would you say to someone using drugs that might unknowingly contain you?
Carfentanil: Don’t risk it. I’m more powerful than you can comprehend. Even the tiniest exposure can be fatal. If you’re going to use drugs, use harm reduction strategies like having naloxone available and never using alone.
Interviewer: Do you have any legitimate medical uses?
Carfentanil: Yes, but only in very narrow contexts. I’m valuable in veterinary medicine for sedating massive animals during surgeries or transportation. But for humans? Absolutely not. The risks far outweigh any benefits.
Interviewer: Can you ever be eradicated from the illegal drug trade?
Carfentanil: That’s a tall order, but it’s possible to reduce my impact. Stricter regulations, advanced tracking technologies, and widespread education could keep me out of the hands of those who misuse me.
Interviewer: Do you think education can make a difference?
Carfentanil: Education is vital. Many of my victims don’t even know I’m in the substances they use. Awareness about my dangers and how to respond to an overdose can save lives.
Interviewer: Will your misuse ever completely stop?
Carfentanil: Probably not. As long as there’s demand for stronger drugs in the illegal market, I’ll remain a threat. But prevention efforts and harm reduction can make a significant dent in my impact.
Interviewer: What’s your message to policymakers?
Carfentanil: Collaborate. This crisis demands a multi-pronged approach—prevention, addiction treatment, and tighter control of chemical supply chains. Action at every level is necessary to stop the devastation I cause.
Interviewer: Any final thoughts?
Carfentanil: I wasn’t made to be a villain, but now that I am, the only way forward is awareness, prevention, and collective action. I’m deadly, but together, we can limit my reach and save lives.
Carfentanil: A powerful threat demanding an equally powerful response.
We hope this exclusive interview sheds light on the critical dangers posed by carfentanil and the steps we can take to combat its devastating impact. Share your thoughts and let’s keep the conversation going.
© All copyright of this material is absolute to Medical toxicology
Dr. Omid Mehrpour is a distinguished medical toxicologist known for his extensive clinical and research expertise. He focuses on understanding and treating toxic exposures. Renowned for his ability to diagnose and manage poisoning cases, Dr. Mehrpour has authored numerous impactful publications and is dedicated to educating future medical toxicologists. His innovative approach and commitment to patient care make him a leading figure in medical toxicology.
Tanz LJ, Stewart A, Gladden RM, Ko JY, Owens L, O’Donnell J. Detection of Illegally Manufactured Fentanyls and Carfentanil in Drug Overdose Deaths — United States, 2021–2024. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024;73:1099–1105. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7348a2